Family Guy Jackass Parody (Video)

27 11 2006

This is a deleted scene from Family Guy, enjoy.

Faith in the system restored

8 11 2006

 No October surprise, no November surprise, no Iran war, no North Korean war, no new terrorist attack on America, and we still managed to take the House and (likely) the Senate without the votes being stolen.  I have to say that it’s not what I predicted – I expected something much less benevolent.  Karl Rove wasn’t able to steal this one from us and the empty, baseless attacks on Democratics proved to be just that.  The last-minute voter intimidation and robo-calls proved to all of us that Republicans are not in the moral majority.  They proved that they were just like Mike Tyson biting Evander Holyfield’s ear as they sunk towards defeat.  Empty shots rang out scaring Americans into thinking that the Democrats are going to tax the middle class into the poor house and the terrorists will rejoice in celebration without Republicans there to smoke them out of their spiderholes.   Nobody bought the crap and the system didn’t fail us.  It worked.  There is still hope.  For the first time in 6 years, we can hold our government accountable to the system of checks and balances.  We can start to work with the fool-in-chief, as his lies and crimes become slowly exposed.  Perhaps impeachment can become a possibility?  Perhaps we might even be able to find out what is being covered up about 9/11?  For now, I’ll savor today.  It’s a good day.

“A Society Which So Wants To Be Free That They’re Willing To…There’s A Level Of Violence That They Tolerate”

12 10 2006

Wow, what zinger of a quote by the fool-in-chief .  Possibly up there with some of his worst. 

Watch This Report from CNN: Video

I think I’m going to vomit after hearing that quote by Bush: “”A Society Which So Wants To Be Free That They’re Willing To…There’s A Level Of Violence That They Tolerate”

The truth is that they aren’t tolerating it. 

From the Washington Post

“Herndon, Va.: Enjoy your reading your work. Please talk about who has left Baghdad/Iraq. Is the middle/upper class almost gone? Is there going to be anyone left, assuming there is ever a “democracy.” Will there be anyone left to constitute a critical mass of secular/professionals? Thanks.

Sudarsan Raghavan: Thanks Herndon, Va.

Another great question. Virtually every day I hear of middle class and professionals leaving the country. Almost everyone who can afford to leave or send a relative out of Iraq is doing so. Many are headed to Beirut, Dubai, Cairo, or Europe, if they have the cash or better yet, relatives who can sponsor them. Another indicator: The Iraqi passport office in Baghdad is crowded daily. The mood among the middle class is that the Iraq’s insecurity will only get worse. Yet at the same time, Iraqis are a resilient people and they feel deep pride for their country, where civilization began more than 5000 years ago. So many, I like to think, are leaving Iraq to wait it out, and they will return when life is better here. Iraq will certainly need them to come back, in order to rebuild itself physically and spiritually”

Folks, we have DESTROYED Iraq.  Any Iraqi with any amount of education, money, power, and influence has left their beloved homeland forever because we have laid it to waste.  I heard a figure that over ONE MILLION Iraqi Uppper Middle Class and Middle Class citizens have left the country.  Another 300,000 are refugees within their own country.  And now we find that possibly over 600,000 innocent civilians have been killed. 

So much for the idea that we invaded Iraq to create a stable Democracy that was to lead the Middle East as a shining example of freedom.  Nice cover, but sorry, you’re a liar.  So, Neo-Con scum, what’s the real reason we are there?  I’m waiting an answer.  So far I’ve come up with 1) A Permanent Military Presence in the region and 2) Access to the Oil Fields.  Those seem to be much more credible reasons than forcing a Democracy-at-gunpoint.  So, why don’t our leaders just tell us what they are doing?  I’ll bet you Neo-Con scum would still think it’s a good idea no matter what they tell you.

Another fun fact:  If this 600,000 person civilian death toll is correct, then Iraq has officially surpassed the civilian casualty toll of Japan in World War II, which was 300,000.  Source: Link 

Who needs an atom bomb when you have an occupying force creating a massive civil war?

Vote on November 7th.  Start the change.

Best “Jesus Camp” Review To Date

12 10 2006

From the genius mind of Matt Cale over at Ruthless Reviews

JESUS CAMP by Matt Cale


“I think we should all wince when we hear a small child being labeled as belonging to some particular religion or another. Small children are too young to decide their views on the origins of the cosmos, of life and of morals. The very sound of the phrase ‘Christian child’ or ‘Muslim child’ should grate like fingernails on a blackboard.” — Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion


Behind the eyes of a child, they say, lies infinite possibility, though such optimism surely never took into account the plague of religious belief. After all, the same young mind that can master the multiplication tables, chart the orbits of the planets, and consider the complexities of human DNA, can also, with equal ferocity and passion, fold upon itself, block out all sources of light, and retreat to dogmatic rigidity. The wee ones of Jesus Camp, unfortunately, have chosen the latter course, which is as we would expect in the most religious nation on planet earth. These eyes, then, betray a fanatical conviction of the purest submission; so efficiently scrubbed, washed, and rinsed that even before reaching the tender age of ten, these kids have stopped progress and growth dead fucking cold. They are, for all the good they will do us, rotting from within, and they will appear much as they are now until they breathe their last. For these eyes are the eyes of the future; a horrifying picture of authoritarianism unchecked, though rather than the labor camps and gray landscape of dystopian fiction, the country will be eerily familiar. For these young people are not warriors for overt oppression or the jailing of dissenting voices, but rather unrelenting champions of mainstream, thoroughly effective means. They will change the laws, pack the courts, haunt the school boards, and piece by piece, our nation will become the vision they have promised for many decades; a quiet, chilling revolution in which not a single shot need be fired.

Lest you think I am guilty of exaggeration, this film is but one example of how the case can never really be overstated. Far from a conspiracy or underground movement, this takeover by religious fundamentalism is open and honest and shockingly transparent. These people have been warning us for years, only the very forces capable of blocking the holy soldiers — liberals, secularists, and defenders of the Constitution — have themselves been complicit in that they’ve chose to accommodate rather than declare unconditional war. And it is a war; a war against illogic, superstition, fear, and pure fantasy, though in the name of tolerance and acceptance, the terms of the debate have been ceded to those unwilling to practice the very same. Given this harsh set of circumstances, a figure like Pastor Becky Fischer — the very woman responsible for the “Kids on Fire” religious camp on the harsh plains of North Dakota — is, despite her ridiculous life, someone who should be taken very seriously indeed, rather than laughed away as if she’s little more than a foolish clown. Sure, it’s hard to accept that anyone who tours her complex asking the Lord to bless her Power Point presentation and the electricity that illuminates her house of worship is anything other than a colossal joke, but as we watch her with these kids, we understand what’s at stake. More than that, so does she.

Two particular children come to the fore — Levi and Rachael — and while they differ in their style and approach to God, they are exactly what is meant by the term “mindless devotion”. Levi insists that he was saved at age five, while Rachael rants and rambles so maniacally that we almost weep for the loss of her mind. Levi, clearly poor white trash given his unfortunate haircut, has charisma and just might believe in what he’s doing (even if he’s utterly foolish), but Rachael has clearly accepted her doctrine out of that unique brand of childhood loneliness that is instantly recognizable. She makes little sense, of course, but as we follow her around, we also notice an obsessive-compulsive component to her personality that explains everything in a single, unforgiving shot. For her feeble, arrested mind, the entire religious experience — prayer, Bible reading, church — is a ritual; a stabilizing influence for a young girl who has been taught that growing up is so fraught with peril as to be deadly. She believes because she seeks to be inured to life’s inevitable sting.

And then there is the little blond boy, easily the most heartbreaking of the lot, as he “testifies” at camp about how hard it is to believe in God, given that he can’t be seen. He even admits to doubt, which should be the first sign that he’s on the road to health and happiness, but instead is believed to be a grievous sin. He falls to the ground in a bucket of tears, raising his hands to the sky in an act of such horrifying submission that it was all I could do to hold back the sobs. Here was a young mind on the very threshold of maturity, using the power of his brain to examine the new world opening up before him, and he fell back into darkness. For is it not the nature of childhood to question? And yet this mere child is rewarded — applauded like a champion athlete — for shutting down and accepting whatever befalls him. In this moment, we see not only the power behind religion’s throne, but the roots of Nazism, Jonestown, Soviet enslavement, and terrorism. Cease asking why, and the answers will be provided for you. Often by overweight shrews who love God because no mortal man would have them.

In addition to the blatant child abuse on display — and forcing a developing mind to accept religious dogma is abuse as detrimental as molestation and physical violence — we see how Becky and her creepy flock aim to use these kids in their wider war on secular America. The camp provides lectures about the evil of abortion, as if any kid would understand what the procedure even involves. But they do hear that “little ones” much like themselves (they are shown plastic fetuses that distort actual development) are being murdered, so the kids understandably cry out for an end to it all. In their minds, abortionists are coming after them next, and if the babies aren’t saved, no one will be left alive. The political nature of abortion is, above all, an adult issue best left to legislatures and courts, but these kids are forcibly enlisted without receiving a single reliable fact. And then the group crowds around a cut-out of President Bush, praying and swaying to the song that compels them to work for noble judges who will overturn the hated Roe v. Wade. And from all appearances, Becky and her minions are winning, as the Supreme Court is but a few cases away from doing that very thing.

In addition to the camp, we visit with more children, stay-at-home moms who also home school, and at the end, Pastor Ted Haggard of the New Life mega-church in Colorado Springs, Colorado, a man so powerful (he presides over 30 million Evangelicals) he speaks with President Bush once a week. He’s a greasy, pathetic figure, but he’s also smooth as glass, and as he rightfully reminds us, his kind control the political dialogue. If Evangelicals vote, Republicans win. I’d say he’s no better than Elmer Gantry, but old Elmer only conned a few bumpkins; Haggard is at the right hand of power. And that smile betrays a confidence that won’t soon fade, much to the peril of liberals everywhere. He meets with Levi after a service, and though he’s condescending to the boy, we can see a torch-passing nonetheless. It should shock us to our very foundations that here stand two human beings, apart in age by perhaps 40 years, who believe exactly the same thing. But rather than feel humiliated and embarrassed by seeing eye to eye with an ignorant child, Haggard is inspired, almost gleeful. In the face of that, how can secularists ever hope to win a damn thing?

Jesus Camp is one-sided to be sure, but ultimately fair, because there truly is no other side of the debate save the irrational. This isn’t the installation of a favorite color or pizza topping as if by fiat, this is patent falsehood — laughably improbable, impossible to prove bullshit — alleging to “compete” against the very scientific method that is our only means of understanding the universe. Just as “intelligent design” cannot share the playing field with evolution because the latter has in data, evidence, and endless reams of research what the former has in fabricated fantasy, religion is not — and never should be — afforded the same respect or deference as reason. One by one, the kids are told that global warming is a lie, evolution a shameful distortion, and every subject under the sun — including geometry — can be taught from a Biblical perspective. So in addition to the seizures, speaking in tongues, and fearful tears (imagine being in kindergarten and hearing that you are vile and need to confess your sins to the Lord), these kids are being denied the basic tools to compete in the world. Though home schooling remains legal (an atrocity that never stops grinding away at my being), its greatest tragedy is that the young ones leave the nest not with a well-rounded education or fresh perspective on life, but regurgitated facts, fanciful tales, and a pathetic piece of parchment from Mom University. Again, it’s abuse. And until it’s widely accepted as such, the game’s not even close.

God is dead, but he’s still winning
by Matt Cale Viewed: 3064 Times Posted: 10.7.06

William Kristol PWNED!

5 10 2006

Watch this PNAC founder get stomped on!  Democracy at it’s best.  Use it or loose it, I say.

William Kristol, chairman of the Project for a New American Century (founded in 1997) spoke at the University of Texas in Austin about the current political climate and the “new order” or “new world” that emerged after 9/11. He was confronted by a large number of protesters who carry banners and question his role in 9/11. The event was covered by the Daily Texan.