CNN To Release Presidential Debate Footage Without Restrictions!!

6 05 2007

Sweet news via Lawrence Lessig’s Blog , CNN  WILL make ALL Presidential Debate Footage available to do whatever you want to do with it as soon as each debate ends.  How friggin sweet is that!?!?!?!?!

Read and rejoyce:

Media Advisory
For Release: May 5, 2007
CNN to Make Presidential Debate Footage Available without Restrictions

As previously announced, CNN will team up with Hearst-Argyle’s WMUR-TV and the New Hampshire Union Leader to host two presidential debates to be held in America’s first primary state. The debate featuring Democratic candidates will be held on Sunday, June 3, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and the Republican debate will be held on Tuesday, June 5, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Due to the historical nature of presidential debates and the significance of these forums to the American public, CNN believes strongly that the debates should be accessible to the public. The candidates need to be held accountable for what they say throughout the election process. The presidential debates are an integral part of our system of government, in which the American people have the opportunity to make informed choices about who will serve them. Therefore, CNN debate coverage will be made available without restrictions at the conclusion of each live debate. We believe this is good for the country and good for the electoral process. This decision will apply to all of CNN’s presidential debates, beginning with the upcoming New Hampshire debates in June. [Truncated for too much Time Warner auto-felating, even if they do deserve a good BJ for this.]

I tried to make the more poignant parts of the text easier to see/read.

I think I’m gonna vomit with happiness!!  I am wondering what the particulars will be.  Will the video be made available for download, or for viewing/ripping?  Also, can we edit the video to release a musical version of the debates a la “The West Side Story”.  It seems like the video will be downloadable and that you can cut and mix and do whatever you want with it, but you never know.  Still, I am sharting with glee!


PS: CNN, we will hold you to your word.

PPS: Lawrence, love the blog d00d!

Democrats to Ban Bribes From Lobbyists!!

4 01 2007


I don’t know about you guys, but I have been waiting for this for years:

House Democratic leaders said they’ll act quickly to ban gifts and meals from lobbyists, prohibit lawmakers from flying on corporate jets and prevent them from taking overnight trips arranged by lobbyists.Votes on the rules will be the first order of business tomorrow for the House in Washington, which will be under Democratic control for the first time in 12 years.

When they say tomorrow, that was yesterday, so that means today!!  Hope this passes, then the corporations will be one step further away from running our country purely for profit.

This is a huge Fuck You to al the Wal-Mart conservatives that have been making a killing off these types of lobbyist “gifts” since … well since forever.

FINALLY: Top 11 Keith Olbermann Links Via BuzzFeed

5 12 2006

Keith Olbermann – BuzzFeed

  1. Keith Isn’t Afraid to Share His Opinion with You


  2. Keith Olbermann Hates Newt Gingrich


  3. A Lovely Commentary on Rumsfeld


  4. “There is no line this President has not crossed.”


  5. MSNBC Is On a Roll


  6. Keith Olbermann Disses His Boss, Thinks He’s Invincible


  7. Olbermann in the Blogosphere: “Bush owes us an apology”


  8. Keith Olbermann Is A Stubborn Mule


  9. Olbermann Delivers More Scathing Remarks About Bush Administration, Fox News


  10. “It is a shame and it is embarrassing to us all when President Bush travels 8000 miles only to wind up avoiding reality again.”


  11. Conservative Commentator Cal Thomas Names Keith Olbermann “Turkey of the Year”


There will definitaly be more Olberman links…CAUSE HE IS THE !##& SH!T U REPUGNANT REPUBLICAN FARTMITTEN!!


Jim Webb Almost Beats Bush Senseless = I Heart Jim Webb

29 11 2006

Jim Webb Almost Beats Bush Senseless [VIA] Wonkette

Wonkette is a great place to get all the DC gossip and this juicy bit-o-news was just to good not to pass up.  In a private meeting with W, Senator Webb had an interesting conversation:

According to The Hill, Bush asked Webb how his son was doing in Iraq; Jimmy Webb Jr. is serving in the Marine Corps. Senator-elect Webb said he’d like to see his son get home safely. “I didn’t ask you that,” Bush shot back. “I asked how he’s doing.”Sources tell The Hill that Webb was so furious he could barely keep himself from slugging Dubya in the face, but he bravely made it through the dinner without violence. Webb’s office will only say that he had a “private conversation” with Bush. There’s an even better version from the Washington Post, after the jump.

The Post says Webb refused to have his picture taken with Bush and even refused to stand in the receiving line. Here’s the paper’s version of the exchange:

“How’s your boy?” Bush asked, referring to Webb’s son, a Marine serving in Iraq.

“I’d like to get them out of Iraq, Mr. President,” Webb responded, echoing a campaign theme.

“That’s not what I asked you,” Bush said. “How’s your boy?”

“That’s between me and my boy, Mr. President,” Webb said coldly, ending the conversation on the State Floor of the East Wing of the White House.

2007 is going to be awesome.

Really, just imagine Reagan’s secretary of the Navy and the new senator from Virginia killing the junior Bush with his own hands. Shakespeare would’ve gone crazy with this kind of material.

That’s one Politician Death Match I’d like to see MTV do!!

I bet Bush punches like a sissy.

Senator Dodd (D-CT) Introduces Legislation to Restore Habeas Corpus and the Genva Conventions

17 11 2006

Article via

Washington- Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), an outspoken opponent of the Military Commission Act of 2006, today introduced legislation which would amend existing law in order to have an effective process for bringing terrorists to justice. This is currently not the case under the Military Commission Act, which will be the subject of endless legal challenges. As important, the bill would also seek to ensure that U.S. servicemen and women are afforded the maximum protection of a strong international legal framework guaranteed by respect for such provisions as the Geneva Conventions and other international standards, and to restore America’s moral authority as the leader in the world in advancing the rule of law. “I take a backseat to no one when it comes to protecting this country from terrorists,” Sen. Dodd said. “But there is a right way to do this and a wrong way to do this. It’s clear the people who perpetrated these horrendous crimes against our country and our people have no moral compass and deserve to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. But in taking away their legal rights, the rights first codified in our country’s Constitution, we’re taking away our own moral compass, as well.” The Effective Terrorists Prosecution Act:

Three cheers for senator Dodd!!  Now we need to get Rummy over to Germany for a small little trial…