Mac OS X Hacking: InfoSecSellout’s “Rape.osx” Worm and “iPhone Exploits”

24 07 2007

If you haven’t read about the latest (as of 7.23.07) Mac exploit/s then you either don’t care or haven’t looked at the intarwebs lately. I’ll give you the short version, with LOTS of links:

Engadget is aflame with comments on their posts, so far THREE, about the alleged “rape.osx” worm that a group of hackers, who call themselves “InfoSecSellOut“, posted some hints about on their blogspot blog as well as a link to a notice about the “worm”, oh and a hint that they want money for having created the worm. There’s been way too much drama to map out here (death threats much?!?!), but lets just say its gotten out of hand and TMBBITW is totally neutral, we’re strictly grey hat and ALL homegrown Linux. No plans to release the code for the rape.osx worm have been revealed, not even a little bit.
HackZine has a little blurb up about a video that has popped up on, which is really a redirect to a slashed Independent Security Evaluators URL. Obviously, ISE has an iPhone exploit on their hands, however they have notified Apple and have some good info up. There’s a truncated white paper out and they plan to reveal their code on August 2nd, at the Black Hat convention in Vegas.

For the Windows folks out there, you haven’t been left out. A win32 version of Safari was released, but hacked in ONE day.

And that’s everything in a nutshell since last wednessday. Now I’ll go on to explain all the information I could gather on all of these, what we like to call, Mac Hacks.

ALL of the malware/exploits/worms/whatever you wanna call them are executed via Safari. That means all three versions (mobile, desktop and Win32).

First is the most interesting, the iPhone exploit. Basically ISE has done a buttload of work, not to mention a bang up job creating this:

If you read the white paper that they have on their site, which is pretty exhaustive, you’ll find out the level of knowledge that this hack took to find and make into a shell script.

Here’s how they started, and what will probably be THE way to find new exploits for the iPhone:

Using jailbreak and iPhoneInterface, the binaries can be extracted from the device and statically analyzed, using a disassembler. Additionally, since the MobileSafari and MobileMail applications are based on the open source WebKit project, a source code audit of that package can be performed. Finally, dynamic analysis, or fuzzing, can be executed against the device. This involves sending malformed data to the device in an effort to cause a fault and make it crash. Such fuzzing can be performed against applications such as MobileSafari or against the WiFi or BlueTooth stack. (you can download the tools mentioned in the above excerpt by clicking on them, as for fuzzers and debuggers just use BACKTRACK and DBG)

NOTE: For a quick tut on how to “activate” an iPhone go HERE:

Get the one click “unlock” kit, via DVD Jon, for yer iPhone HERE:

Now this is where it gets a bit tricky:

[…] in order to view memory and discover the way the execution flows in the application. However, in this case we were able to utilize the Mac OS X crash reporter. This daemon runs and monitors any programs for crashes. When one is detected it records a log of the crash, including relevant register values. These reports can then be transported to a desktop computer when syncing. The crash reports can also be downloaded directly off the iPhone using jailbreak and iPhoneInterface. While the CrashReporter provides register values and basic memory mapping information, it does not include direct access to the memory. In order to obtain this crucial information, it is possible to modify the iPhone in such a way that the applications will dump core files when they crash. This is accomplished by adding the file /etc/lauchd.conf containing the line “limit core unlimited”
to the iPhone using iPhoneInterface. Core files can be retrieved off the iPhone from the /cores directory, again using iPhoneInterface.

In order to generate valid opcodes for the iPhone, we first installed a Linux x86 to ARM cross compiler. This would compile our ARM assembly to bytecode which we could then extract into shellcode. Besides not having a debugger, developing iPhone shellcode also presented other challenges. Since we didn’t have access to an ARM processor with a debugger, we had absolutely no real way to test the shellcode besides trying it and using the core files obtained.

That’s pretty much where I gave up on trying to go at this on my own. ISE actually has two hacks for the iPhone where one collects data and the other can actually make your phone do whatever they want, dial, ring whatever. That’s all I got, but anyone is welcome to give iPhone hacking a whirl. All the files are linked up there.

Now on to InfoSecSellOut’s “Rape.osx”. To start it is supposed to be a worm which is deployed via Safari. From what says, it seems to be based on mDNSresponder (yes, click to download). All that I can find out about it is that ISSO (InfoSecSellOut) was able to download a text file using their exploit. However, in reading the white paper for the iPhone hack, I saw that the real problem with Mac OS X (pick one) security is that all applications are run as “root” or with “admin” privilages. So that means that once you are in a Mac OS X machine, you can do whatever you want.

NOTE: Many linux OS’s use mDNSresponder as well, so be on the lookout. However, most people do know not to login as root on their linux machine, right?

I have no code, no apps, nothing on rape.osx other than the code for mDNSresponder. I do have some code for the first Mac virus, the Leap.A virus, as well as some other info I gathered in order to further the purposes of writting worms/viri/malware for Mac OS X.


The file contains the following:


As for the Win32 version of Safari, what were people thinking?!?!? Porting, what is essentially an open source Mac app to Windows? Yeah, no one is going to hack that. Stick to FireFox with all the JS, Flash, AD, PopUp, bad shit blocking extensions that you can shake a stick at.

And that’s all she wrote for now folks.

Keep on keepin on hackers of all hats. I’ll keep you updated.

*Sources – Noted and linked throughout the article, accepting VX CHAOS FILE SERVER where I get ALL my super sweet viri source codes and all the best viri, malware, trojans, RATs, you name it and AZAG has got it!!



4 responses

24 07 2007
Vaibhav Pandey-->Technofriends Team

This one really seems useful. 🙂
Thanks for letting me know abt this useful post bro.

26 07 2007

Before we go flaming Safari for WIN… lets remember that its still a BETA.

4 08 2007
Mac OS X security myth exposed - MacNN Forums

[…] said today it was unable to comment at this stage. heres a link to the new "osx rape’ worm: Mac OS X Hacking: InfoSecSellout’s “Rape.osx” Worm and “iPhone Exploits… its at the bottom of the page as: RE: by the way, […]

2 02 2008

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