Suprise: Fox News Purposefully Misquotes Obama On US Troops In Iraq

5 05 2007

Thanks to the peeps over at SpinnWebe, we have yet another example of Fox “Faux” News’ Right Wing bias and general craptasticness.

See for yourself:

April 1, speaking about the current conflict between the Senate and the President over war funding, Barack Obama says this (from USA Today):

“I think that nobody wants to play chicken with our troops on the ground,” said Obama. “I do think a majority of the Senate has now expressed the belief that we need to change course in Iraq.”

Yesterday, this graphic comes up on Fox:

Does anyone else want to vomit with anger?

Huge props to SpinnWebe for catching this.  It just goes to show you that Fox News cannot be trusted to follow a story with any amount of credibility or honesty.  “Fair and Balanced” indeed.  There should be some sort of regulatory service for news outlets that could somehow shame or take disciplinary action against media moguls like Fox News.  Of course, free speech applies to these fuckers just like it applies to me, but fuckin A this shit is getting ridiculous.

People trust news outlets to give them the truth, even though they shouldn’t, and that trust is being abused to the extreme.  Maybe Jon Stewart could get rid of Fox News alltogether, he did it for “Crossfire”.  Man I love that clip: CLICKY.  Anyway, we’re probably just SOL and JWF as far as getting rid of Fox News all-together.

With Rupert Murdoch looking into buying the Wall Street Journal, this only makes me more averse to following the main stream media.  Not that I ever put much credence in them to start with.

In short, fuck those guys!

And GO SpinnWebe GO!!



9 responses

5 05 2007

Thanks, though I’d have to give credit to a much, much, much more popular site than mine, Crooks and Liars.

And on your post: I’d be fine with Fox News’s continued existence, if they’d just drop the fair and balanced sham. If they renamed to Fox Consie News, or Fox News For Right-Wing People, I’d probably be fine with it.

5 05 2007
University Update

Suprise: Fox News Purposefully Misquotes Obama On US Troops In Iraq

5 05 2007

And people wonder why people support the Dems NOT bothering debating on the White Citizens Council Network.

6 05 2007

use your search bar , look up truth and proof.

12 05 2007

Wow, I hope Obama cancels FOX News for yellow journalism when he is elected. I mean, the shit they pull is outright illegal. Read my entry on Bill O’Reilly. I think you will like it.

30 11 2007
Grouchy’s Liberaltopia™ » Ye Olde Scribe Presents: Part Two… The Power of the FARCE

[…] Now you know Barack what you are suppose to say was, “I want to play chicken with our troops.” You know, you’re suppose to represent the “darkie side of the force.” We’ll […]

30 11 2007
BartBlog - The Blog of » Ye Olde Scribe Presents: Part Two… The Power of the FARCE

[…] Now you know Barack what you are suppose to say was, “I want to play chicken with our troops.” You know, you’re suppose to represent the “darkie side of the force.” We’ll just get our […]

2 02 2008
14 06 2008
Wilmer Tyler

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